Wildlife Warrior Program – the past month
Over the past month, we have conducted a range of Wildlife Warrior activities in our supported schools.
This term’s theme has been “Living with Elephants”. We decided to choose a positive theme to engage with the children, and provide real ideas and examples for the children and communities on how to coexist with wildlife.
Our project coordinator David has been busy, visiting the schools and showing the children conservation videos which highlight the challenges and solutions of living with elephants. The children were enthralled, and David was excited to learn that for some of them this was their very first video!
After the videos David held a question and answer session, and led a discussion on elephants and living with wildlife. The reaction of the children showed that this was a worthwhile effort, as based both on their responses to the questions asked and their own questions they had learned a lot. The teachers were not left out as they had a lot to learn as well.
The children are now in groups and drawing posters based on the termly theme. In a few weeks poster competitions will be held at each of the schools, judged by a panel of staff and guests from the nearest Elewana property. The winning groups will be awarded a game drive to the nearest conservation area and get a chance to visit the nearest camp or lodge for a treat!
We have also given all teachers a small token of appreciation for all their efforts in supporting the Wildlife Warrior activities in their schools. In total, we have given teachers incentives worth USD 580.