As is the custom every year, following the selection of the top male and female Wildlife Warriors (in the scholarship exam and KCPE); these students are officially awarded the WWP Scholarship and each receive a school trunk before they start their new journey into “higher learning” – Secondary school. While it has been common to conduct the awarding ceremony in the respective schools, the Land & Life team decided this year to have the top students, their parents/guardians and the school patrons visit the Elewana properties for the celebration. Each set of students were welcome by the property managers and treated to snacks and refreshments. Over laughter and light conversation, the students shared their aspirations/goals.
The first born in his family (15 years of age), Wilson Saning’o enjoys listening to music and is passionate about planting trees. His favorite subject is Social Studies and would like to become a Manager someday. This is one of Ololomei’s new Wildlife Warriors who spent a couple of hours with managers Alison and Tom and other Elephant Pepper Camp Staff.
The Land & Life team and the Elewana managers are glad to have done it a little differently with the new scholars. During their spring school holiday, these students will visit their respective Primary schools for a chance to talk to their former schoolmates, and will each receive a Land & Life’s Wildlife Warrior’s T-shirt in a public ceremony. This is vital to demonstrate to the school and the community the opportunities for hard working students challenging them to follow suit with equal determination and aspirations. It also highlights to the community the benefits which can stem from tourism and wildlife, and encourages a positive partnership between community and visitors.
Coinciding with school visits to check up on the progress of ongoing projects, the Land & Life team, with the help of Elewana’s Elsa’s managers, was able to conduct the scholarship award ceremony for both Ura Gate and Kachiuru in the school grounds. A lot of excitement and merry making was equally had as everyone cheered and clapped when the students and their parents were called upon to receive their scholarship offer letters and trunks.