We have recently launched the Wildlife Warrior Program at Embiti Primary School near Sand River Mara (SRM).
Our Project Coordinator David Mbugua, together with SRM guides Jonathan, Mohamed and Daniel, visited the school to give a talk based on our current theme for the term, ‘The Importance of Forests’.
The day was educational and good fun – Jonathan was a real hit with the children, bringing out lots of smiles and enthusiasm as the pupils answered his questions. We held a small drawing competition for the young pupils, which involved drawing a realistic tree on the blackboard. The winners were rewarded with pencils, courtesy of the Land & Life Foundation. A team from the Mara Cheetah Project also joined the group’s visit, complementing our activities by talking to the young pupils about the importance of wildlife.
The day prepared the children for our Poster Competition, to be held in the last week of July. We look forward to inviting some SRM guests to join the judging panel, giving them the opportunity to get involved in our work with the local community.
The highlight of the visit was seeing the joy on the youngsters’ faces when they heard that the Poster Competition winners will go on a game drive in the Maasai Mara National Reserve and visit Sand River Camp.
Our Wildlife Warrior Program Term 2 activities are well on course with a very exciting competition planned for the pupils – a debate on the motion “Deforestation should be banned!”.
We have chosen a debate because we believe it will help our Wildlife Warriors hone their communication and presentation skills, as well as cultivate confidence and teamwork.
Once they have learned how to debate, they will have the skills to think critically about issues surrounding them, helping them to make informed decisions.
As we have done in the past, we will engage Camp Managers with supported schools to facilitate Conservation Talks at their local school within the next three weeks.
The Debate Competition will be held in the last week of July – please check our website and social media pages then for photos of our Wildlife Warriors in action.
This term, our Wildlife Warrior Program (WWP) school activities have produced some great results!
Our theme, Waste & Recycling, focused on teaching Wildlife Warriors about:
- Types of waste
- Effects of waste on humans, animals and the environment
- How to manage waste
- Importance of waste management
Thanks to the Elewana camp managers, camp guides and representatives from partner organisations, the Wildlife Warriors came away from the day with a refreshed outlook on waste management.
The day also involved asking the Wildlife Warriors to recycle waste into useful items, culminating in a Wildlife Warrior Recycling Art Competition at each of the schools.
The Wildlife Warriors let their imaginations run wild, making fantastic items ranging from necklaces and placemats to gift baskets and skipping ropes, from the various waste materials provided.
Competition was stiff, with the winners creating the most outstanding items from the rest.
They will be awarded next term with a game drive in their local wildlife area, followed by a tour, tea and cake at their nearest Elewana camp.
Many thanks to all of you who supported the Wildlife Warrior Program by providing waste materials – and huge thanks to all the camp managers and guides involved, as we couldn’t do it without you!
Stories from the field…
- Meet the changemakersJanuary 13, 2021 - 2:49 pm
- In her own wordsDecember 14, 2020 - 10:14 am
- Christmas toy drive at ACLDecember 9, 2020 - 2:57 pm
Contact Us
Land & Life Foundation
Block E1, 1st Floor Peponi Plaza
P.O.Box 277703-00506,
Nairobi, Kenya
Tel +254 730 127000
[email protected]